We take your views very seriously

It is our policy that all comments, suggestions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively.

We shall make every effort to provide the best possible service. However, there may be occasions when people are not happy with the service for whatever reason.

We recognise the right of all Service Users, relatives, representatives and members of staff to inform us of any problems or complaints they may have about the service being provided. We are always looking to improve our services. All comments, suggestions or complaints regardless of how small they may appear will be treated seriously and used to improve the service offered.

All complaints received will be recorded and acknowledged within seven days and will be investigated by the Manager and responded to within fourteen days of receiving the complaint. In the first instance every effort will be made by the Agency Manager to rectify the complaint immediately.

The Manager will make arrangements to discuss the outcome of the investigation with the complainant.

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Advocacy Service

Advocacy Focus

54 Blackburn Road, Accrington,

Lancashire, BB5 1LE

Phone: 0300 323 0965

Fax: 0300 323 0966

Text: 07886 744 634

Email: admin@advocacyfocus.org.uk


However, if the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, it should be referred to:

Lancashire County Council Adult Social Care, Fraser House, White Cross South Road, Lancaster LA1 4XQ

Telephone: 0845 053 0009 Website: www.lancashire.gov.uk

If you still feel dissatisfied please contact the Local Government Ombudsman:

LGO Advice Team PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH

Advice Line: 0300 061 0614 Fax: 024 7682 0001 Email: advice@lgo.org.uk Website: www.lgo.org.uk

Finally you may wish to contact the Care Quality Commission, whose address is:

Care Quality Commission National Correspondence Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA

Telephone: 03000 616161 Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk

Where a Service User is unable to make their wishes known, for whatever reason, there is an Advocacy Service available in East Lancashire. Any costs incurred due to the provision of an advocate should normally be borne by the Service User. The Manager should liaise with the local social services staff who may have a legal duty to act as (or appoint) an advocate. No member of staff in the Agency should act as an advocate for Service User. No member of staff may act as the ‘agent’ or ‘appointee’ for a Service User.

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